In the most active spaces, heirs of emotional pasts, the Spiritus loci shapes and cares for the permanence of affections in those places.
This powerful emotional system determines the valence that history assigns to the place. And so when the person who has particular sensitivity and whom I shall call hospice, finds himself immersing himself in that energy field, it may happen that an organic system of feelings that I shall call Lar will attempt to take possession of it in order to be able, again, to relive the world as a living being.
The access of the spirit, which reveals itself at the corner of the mouth, prompts a reflection on the manifestation of paramnesia. The intervention that proposes to address the theme is articulated in a project where the action is aimed at finding a link between the implicit but distinct connotations that coexist in alternation. The sudden change in atmospheric pressure exerts a solicitous mutation in the disposition to the proper, known attitude of the person involved. Such change exalts the Lar as a new proponent of vital expression; he manifests himself through the need to ask questions directed at the context.