The origin of the Lar’s union with its hospice, through the development of compliant currents, consolidating, step by step, with each spiral, such that it becomes agent matter. Matter that expresses its own experience, retrieving it from a suspended, aggregating and connecting it permanently. Defining itself by degrees, in sentient form, following the spatial rhythmicity of the vortex, it overwrites those spheres favorable to it, proper until then of the hospice. Once allocated, the Lar, stands at the head of every vital function, so as to interrogate the environments and the whole world around him, by sensory and thought. World that is finally servant to him.
In the relationship between knowing hospice and known Lar the experience of paramnesia, I think of a becoming in the living (the hospice), which in a becoming and passing away unconsciously (unconsciously) observes that which regenerates, which lives. The observation of life turning to the origin of a new life lies properly in the process of the vortex that, spiral after spiral, carries the becoming of the Lares, a real birth.
Thus, it is possible to say that already from its origin carrying and evolving in the vortex, the attitude of the living being toward its host is made explicit, conceived and experienced with a sense of protection and not threat.
The living perceives in the “carrying,” proper to the vortex, a vital act, fundamental to the necessary realization of wholeness. Here is where the Lar, spirit, cohort of emotions, memories, moods, surges and from being in potency comes into the condition in act in the living.
When the passing of what is in potency into what is in act takes place, an entity is born into the world that, suspended in the spirit of place, reconnects its view of the world, reformulates in this mode, life.
The vortex that enables birth, is not just a mechanical means but a real value, a project. Such birth, in essence, offers its possibility to an being that, with all its experiencing, comes from the past.

When it even happens to moor the firm vessel, O sir, one must not forget.
The process, when it becomes chronic, highlights how the original general afflictions are slowly but surely converted into substantial amounts of hydrogen, thus constituting a primary condition of great importance for the synthesis of the coexisting polarities, thus promoting the osmotic process.
The hydrogen gas, bilocated in the two identity substances, gives the first hint of osmosis when, at the action of the first sparks of Lar consciousness, the character and moods of the host, which we shall call hospice here, are totally recomposed. In the light of these happenings, one is led to believe that the character of the hospice, precipitated into another from itself, holds the lived past in a hydrogen condensate so that the volume never comes to be doubled but, if anything, to be lightened somewhat in the same phenomenon.
The hospice in act and no longer in power solicits pitying motions toward the abrupt shadow that becomes poly-shadow by summation.
Given the many speculations about the continual updating of the identity boundary, always in flux, in need of tracing which, however, never seems to be possible, we witness the mutation into a condition of active binding, an interaction between the Lar and the host, made possible by the presence of a substantial amount of hydrogen atoms. These atoms are then expressed by binding of electronegative elements such as fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen.