Showing 25 Result(s)

Mr. Olinto Dini

By Mr. Olinto Dini a sincere chronicle of his veracious as well as cathartic experience.I sign myself Dr. Nito Olnidi There you have it, Gentlemen, set forth in a few words the reasons why I think that, with many inventions, he whom we know well, passed with sought after cunning into the region of recollections, …


The ghost of the spirit of domination

In truth, one would expect the peculiar fluctuations of a memory to resurface following a scale of length similar to the length of a lifetime. A veiled path would have its boundaries in the precision with which distances can be quantified, as the dimensions of the multiple human manifestations traversed by the vivid feeling would …


Story of a subordination

On the bearing of historical action in the retroflexed vision, that is, on the factual global force it takes on the incidentality of the scanning of binding links.Retroflexed historical vision, therefore, which articulates itself by freeing itself from the coherent presupposition, rising above the narrative, and then turning backwards. to perceive the future in an …


Risk analysis

. 2099 Nov;3(11):1958-48. doi: 0101010.1111/ Epub . 2099 Nov;3Vulnerability and social justice as risk perception factors of reduplicative paramnesia in open spacesJoseph Conti,Coaxial submissions expandPJCMXID: 76431854214525333774 ATDOI: 0101010.1111/jc.0000-666.376.010101.xyzAbstractReduplicative paramnesia, an emerging area of risk research, generate new research questions, including how new manifestations are addressed under different framing and contextual details. Using data from a …


Of the permeability of humour by means of scenic transport

As firm as it was in the acknowledged excellence of the prescribed assignments, the predilection of such a nature, which gives certain reasons support and solicits the most capable ingenuity, appears as luminescent as those veins of gold that in certain mountains only some succeed in discovering, or as one admires that certain pearls of …


The generation of paramnesia

In the most active spaces, heirs of emotional pasts, the Spiritus loci shapes and cares for the permanence of affections in those places. This powerful emotional system determines the valence that history assigns to the place. And so when the person who has particular sensitivity and whom I shall call hospice, finds himself immersing himself …


Like a wandering path

Among the manifestations that we can consider indicative for the definition of paramnesia are those related to so-called unexpected knowing, an experience emerging in steps, in succession, present of its own, qualitative meaning. It happens that when in the exploration of a place, one comes to recognize environments, views, foreshortenings, buildings and whatever else produces …


The humanizations

What is clearly represented in the “humanizations” is the path each Lar takes to engage the body-dimora in its experiencing with the world. It is the attempt to assert one’s own individuality which, far from that hitherto believed parasitic form, is instead necessary support for the refutation of the theorem of the “double” in which …


Magister first

The life and works of the born king of cards Transitive perception, the tool of discernment necessary for the investigation of the metaphysical meaning of vorticity, can be considered the guideline that Joseph Conti faithfully followed in his research and that allowed him to enhance each case he faced. This is to simplified description of …


Vortex vs Ruach

On vorticity From Fr. Baltieri’s paper on the dynamic effects of Lar, Ch. III: “Altered by the forces of intra moenia vorticity, perturbed by the predominant force, in the case of paramnesia there is the manifestation of an attraction that surprises the subject who incurs it. Such attractiveness expressed outside of any apparent cause is …